{"version":3,"file":"app.min.js","sources":["app.min.js"],"sourcesContent":["var zbuyer;\r\n(function (zbuyer) {\r\n var analytics;\r\n (function (analytics) {\r\n /*\r\n * FacebookPixel is based on JavaScript code intended to be run once in the
section of HTML as it loads.\r\n * Here, however it has been adapted for Typescript, and for reuse in angular views regardless of page loads.\r\n *\r\n * Code should be used with the caveat that the code (which loads and utilizes Facebook's Pixel SDK)\r\n * may need to be adapted when/if the script on which it was based is updated:\r\n * (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/meta-pixel/get-started/)\r\n * NOTE: This explains preserving some obscure variable name choices.\r\n *\r\n * Core functionality appears to be:\r\n * 1. Inject Facebook \"events\" scripting as long as 'fbq' global\r\n * variable not defined.\r\n * 2. While the script is loading, create 'fbq' function which queues calls\r\n * which can be loaded by the SDK at the time the \"real\" fbq is put in place.\r\n * 3. Send 'init' event for pixel ID, and 'track' event for 'PageLoad'\r\n *\r\n * Modified functionality for angular use & simplicity:\r\n * - The \"run once\" code is done in a static function which is self-called once.\r\n * - The 'init' calls are only done once per pixel ID needed, but there are multiple needed.\r\n * - A 'trackSingle' event type is used (documented elsewhere in Pixel online documentation)\r\n * since a regular 'track' event will track for every pixel previously initted.\r\n */\r\n var FacebookPixel = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function FacebookPixel() {\r\n }\r\n /* NOTE:\r\n Removed as part of ZM-1400 in the supposition that the FBQ (Meta Pixel) SDK functionality\r\n can be duplicated (?) through configuration on HubSpot, which possibly improves the situation\r\n in regard to cookie management done by HubSpot. It may also be that the pixel tracking that was in place\r\n is no longer relevant (if working).\r\n \r\n In any case loading the SDK may prevent certain cookies from being loaded. Caveat: the cookie that was\r\n indirectly brought in by loading the FB Events SDK was \"_fbp\", which no longer appears to show up in\r\n production despite the SDK still being loaded. This may be due to HubSpot interceding correctly now,\r\n regardless of the SDK loading.\r\n \r\n Tentatively we will still attempt to utilize the SDK itself in case it is loaded indirectly through HubSpot,\r\n but we will avoid directly loading the SDK on the supposition that this is linked to third-party cookies.\r\n */\r\n //private static ensureLoaded = (() => {\r\n // if (typeof window.fbq !== 'undefined') {\r\n // return;\r\n // }\r\n // var n: any = window.fbq = function () {\r\n // n.callMethod ?\r\n // n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments)\r\n // };\r\n // if (!window._fbq) window._fbq = n;\r\n // n.push = n;\r\n // n.loaded = true;\r\n // n.version = '2.0';\r\n // n.queue = [];\r\n // n.pixels = [];\r\n // var scriptElement = document.createElement('script');\r\n // scriptElement.async = !0;\r\n // scriptElement.src = 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js';\r\n // document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scriptElement);\r\n //})();\r\n FacebookPixel.track = function (pixelID, contentName) {\r\n var _this = this;\r\n if (typeof window.fbq === 'undefined') {\r\n FacebookPixel.retriesAttempted++;\r\n if (FacebookPixel.retriesAttempted <= FacebookPixel.MaxPassiveRetries) {\r\n console.debug(\"Unable to track 'ViewContent' for content: \".concat(contentName, \" (Pixel ID: \").concat(pixelID, \"). FB Events SDK not yet loaded after after \").concat(FacebookPixel.retriesAttempted, \" attempts. Retrying in \").concat(FacebookPixel.sdkPassiveRetryTimeout, \"ms\"));\r\n window.setTimeout(function () {\r\n _this.track(pixelID, contentName);\r\n }, this.sdkPassiveRetryTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.debug(\"Unable to track 'ViewContent' for content: \".concat(contentName, \" (Pixel ID: \").concat(pixelID, \"). FB Events SDK not loaded after \").concat(FacebookPixel.retriesAttempted, \" attempts.\"));\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n console.debug(\"Tracking 'ViewContent' event for content: \".concat(contentName, \" (Pixel ID: \").concat(pixelID, \").\"));\r\n if (this.pixelsLoaded.indexOf(pixelID) < 0) {\r\n window.fbq('init', pixelID);\r\n this.pixelsLoaded.push(pixelID);\r\n }\r\n window.fbq('trackSingle', pixelID, 'ViewContent', { content_name: contentName });\r\n };\r\n FacebookPixel.MaxPassiveRetries = 8;\r\n FacebookPixel.sdkPassiveRetryTimeout = 100;\r\n FacebookPixel.GeneralViewPixelID = '1119761025071292';\r\n FacebookPixel.LoginPixelID = '735443763917507';\r\n FacebookPixel.NewSignupPixelID = '645517722746970';\r\n FacebookPixel.pixelsLoaded = [];\r\n FacebookPixel.retriesAttempted = 0;\r\n return FacebookPixel;\r\n }());\r\n analytics.FacebookPixel = FacebookPixel;\r\n })(analytics = zbuyer.analytics || (zbuyer.analytics = {}));\r\n})(zbuyer || (zbuyer = {}));\r\n\nvar zbuyer;\r\n(function (zbuyer) {\r\n var messages;\r\n (function (messages) {\r\n messages.AccountInfoError = 'Unable to retrieve account information.';\r\n messages.AccountInfoSaveError = 'Unable to save account information.';\r\n messages.AccountInfoSaveSuccess = 'Account information saved successfully.';\r\n messages.ApiCommunicationError = 'There was an error reaching our service.';\r\n messages.ApplicationTitle = 'zBuyer';\r\n messages.AppSettingsError = 'Unable to load settings from the server';\r\n messages.DemoAccountReadOnly = 'Sorry, you cannot save changes to this account.';\r\n messages.ErrorProcessingPayment = 'An error occurred while processing payment';\r\n messages.ErrorUpdatingPayment = 'An error occurred while updating credit card';\r\n messages.ForgotPasswordFailed = 'There was an issue with the email provided, or that account may not exist.';\r\n messages.ForgotPasswordSuccess = 'Follow the directions in the email we\\'ve sent you for details on how to reset your password.';\r\n messages.LeadFolderListUnavailable = 'Lead folder list unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.LeadNotFound = 'Lead unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.LeadsCountUnavailable = 'Leads count unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.LeadsListUnavailable = 'Leads list unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.LeadsSearchError = 'Search for Leads encountered an error.';\r\n messages.LeadTagsUnavailable = 'Lead Tags unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.LoginCredentialsRequired = 'Please enter both a username and password.';\r\n messages.LoginRequired = 'User was logged out.';\r\n messages.LoginFailed = 'Login Failed';\r\n messages.NoFiltersApplied = 'No filter change(s) applied.';\r\n messages.PasswordChangedRedirectToLogin = 'Your password has been changed, redirecting to login…';\r\n messages.PasswordChangedSuccess = 'Your password has been changed.';\r\n messages.PasswordChangedError = 'The information you entered cannot be used.';\r\n messages.PaymentUpdatedSuccess = 'Your credit card has been successfully updated. A temporary $1.00 authorization may appear on your card.';\r\n messages.ProcessingPayment = 'Processing Payment';\r\n messages.PublicProfileError = 'Unable to load public profile.';\r\n messages.PublicProfileSaveSuccess = 'Public profile saved successfully.';\r\n messages.PublicProfileSaveError = 'Unable to save public proile.';\r\n messages.ReasonsSellingUnavailable = 'Reasons Selling unavailable. Please contact support.';\r\n messages.RecaptchaError = 'reCAPTCHA Error';\r\n messages.RecaptchaIsBlank = 'Please check the box marked \"I am not a robot.\"';\r\n messages.RecaptchaRejected = 'Your response to the reCAPTCHA service was rejected.';\r\n messages.ReloadOnUserChanged = 'Another user has logged in. The page will reload.';\r\n messages.SignupError = 'Unable to create new account for signup.';\r\n messages.TransactionsError = 'Unable to retrieve account transactions.';\r\n messages.UpdateCart = 'Updated Cart';\r\n messages.UpdateNotificationSettingsSuccess = 'Settings saved.';\r\n messages.UpdatingPayment = 'Updating Credit Card';\r\n messages.ViewIdError = 'Sorry, there is insufficient information to continue signup.';\r\n })(messages = zbuyer.messages || (zbuyer.messages = {}));\r\n})(zbuyer || (zbuyer = {}));\r\n\nvar names;\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n zbuyer.Application = 'zbuyer';\r\n zbuyer.AppConfiguration = 'AppConfiguration';\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var components;\r\n (function (components) {\r\n components.AdvancedPackageSliderComponent = 'advancedPackageSlider';\r\n components.RecommendedPackageCountyBreakdownComponent = 'recommendedPackageCountyBreakdown';\r\n components.YesNoModalComponent = 'yesNoModal';\r\n components.ComplianceReminder = 'complianceReminder';\r\n components.ComplianceAgreement = 'complianceAgreement';\r\n })(components = zbuyer.components || (zbuyer.components = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var controllers;\r\n (function (controllers) {\r\n controllers.AccountDirectiveController = 'AccountDirectiveController';\r\n controllers.AddCrmModalController = 'AddCrmModalController';\r\n controllers.AppController = 'AppController';\r\n controllers.ClaimedLeadModalController = 'ClaimedLeadModalController';\r\n controllers.CountyStatisticsModalController = 'CountyStatisticsModalController';\r\n controllers.EducationModalController = 'EducationModalController';\r\n controllers.FilterModalController = 'FilterModalController';\r\n controllers.PreviewFilterModalController = 'PreviewFilterModalController';\r\n controllers.HamburgerMenuDirectiveController = 'HamburgerMenuDirectiveController';\r\n controllers.LeadExampleDetailModalController = 'LeadExampleDetailModalController';\r\n controllers.LeadFolderModalController = 'LeadFolderModalController';\r\n controllers.LeadMoreMenuController = 'LeadMoreMenuController';\r\n controllers.LeadsDirectiveController = 'LeadsDirectiveController';\r\n controllers.LearnMoreModalController = 'LearnMoreModalController';\r\n controllers.LandingController = 'LandingController';\r\n controllers.LoginController = 'LoginController';\r\n controllers.MobileAppPromoModalController = 'MobileAppPromoModalController';\r\n controllers.NavBarDirectiveController = 'NavBarDirectiveController';\r\n controllers.NavigationController = 'NavigationController';\r\n controllers.ForgotPasswordController = \"ForgotPasswordController\";\r\n controllers.PreCheckoutController = 'PreCheckoutController';\r\n controllers.PrintableLeadController = 'PrintableLeadController';\r\n controllers.SelectCountyModalController = 'SelectCountyModalController';\r\n controllers.SelectMetroModalController = 'SelectMetroModalController';\r\n controllers.SignupController = 'SignupController';\r\n controllers.TestNotificationModalController = 'TestNotificationModalController';\r\n controllers.ZipLookupModalController = 'ZipLookupModalController';\r\n })(controllers = zbuyer.controllers || (zbuyer.controllers = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var cookies;\r\n (function (cookies) {\r\n cookies.AuthToken = 'AuthToken';\r\n cookies.NavigateTo = 'NavigateTo';\r\n cookies.ViewId = 'ViewId';\r\n })(cookies = zbuyer.cookies || (zbuyer.cookies = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var directives;\r\n (function (directives) {\r\n directives.Account = 'account';\r\n directives.AdvancedSubscriptionEdit = 'advancedSubscriptionEdit';\r\n directives.BasicSubscriptionEdit = 'basicSubscriptionEdit';\r\n directives.CartBuilder = 'cartBuilder';\r\n directives.Checkout = 'checkout';\r\n directives.ConvertToNumber = 'convertToNumber';\r\n directives.CountyStatistics = 'countyStatistics';\r\n directives.CountyStatisticsPage = 'countyStatisticsPage';\r\n directives.DynamicForm = 'dynamicForm';\r\n directives.Education = 'education';\r\n directives.EducationLeads = 'educationLeads';\r\n directives.Greeting = 'greeting';\r\n directives.HamburgerMenu = 'hamburgerMenu';\r\n directives.LeadDetail = 'leadDetail';\r\n directives.LeadPreview = 'leadPreview';\r\n directives.LeadPreviewsList = 'leadPreviewsList';\r\n directives.LeadsList = 'leadsList';\r\n directives.LeadsSearch = 'leadsSearch';\r\n directives.PreviewSearch = 'previewSearch';\r\n directives.MoreMenu = 'moreMenu';\r\n directives.NavBar = 'navBar';\r\n directives.NewPassword = 'newPassword';\r\n directives.NewSignup = 'newSignup';\r\n directives.Payment = 'payment';\r\n directives.SiteFooter = 'siteFooter';\r\n directives.Subscription = 'subscription';\r\n directives.SubscriptionEdit = 'subscriptionEdit';\r\n directives.Transactions = 'transactions';\r\n })(directives = zbuyer.directives || (zbuyer.directives = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var filters;\r\n (function (filters) {\r\n filters.Pluralize = 'pluralize';\r\n filters.Price = 'price';\r\n filters.Telephone = 'tel';\r\n filters.Truncate = 'truncate';\r\n })(filters = zbuyer.filters || (zbuyer.filters = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var compliance;\r\n (function (compliance) {\r\n compliance.TcpaComplianceAgreement = 'TCPA Disclaimer';\r\n compliance.Checkout = 'Checkout Terms';\r\n compliance.AccountMessage = 'Account Message';\r\n })(compliance = zbuyer.compliance || (zbuyer.compliance = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var navigation;\r\n (function (navigation) {\r\n navigation.AccountHome = 'AccountHome';\r\n })(navigation = zbuyer.navigation || (zbuyer.navigation = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var printable;\r\n (function (printable) {\r\n printable.PrintableLeadModel = 'printableLeadModel';\r\n })(printable = zbuyer.printable || (zbuyer.printable = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var services;\r\n (function (services) {\r\n services.AccountService = 'AccountService';\r\n services.AccountMessageService = 'AccountMessageService';\r\n services.AppSettingsService = 'AppSettingsService';\r\n services.AuthenticationService = 'AuthenticationService';\r\n services.CheckoutHelperService = 'CheckoutHelperService';\r\n services.ComplianceService = 'ComplianceService';\r\n services.CheckoutService = 'CheckoutService';\r\n services.CountiesService = 'CountiesService';\r\n services.CountyStatisticsService = 'CountyStatisticsService';\r\n services.CountyPackagesService = 'CountyPackagesService';\r\n services.CrmService = 'CrmService';\r\n services.DeviceIdService = 'DeviceIdService';\r\n services.FoldersService = 'FoldersService';\r\n services.GeneralApiService = 'GeneralApiService';\r\n services.LeadPhoneNumberService = 'LeadPhoneNumberService';\r\n services.LeadTagsService = 'LeadTagsService';\r\n services.LeadPreviewService = 'LeadPreviewService';\r\n services.LeadsService = 'LeadsService';\r\n services.ModalService = 'ModalService';\r\n services.NotificationService = 'NotificationService';\r\n services.NotificationTestService = 'NotificationTestService';\r\n services.ReasonsSellingService = 'ReasonsSellingService';\r\n services.SignupService = 'SignupService';\r\n services.SpinWaitService = 'SpinWaitService';\r\n services.StatesService = 'StatesService';\r\n services.SubscriptionService = 'SubscriptionService';\r\n services.VcRecaptchaService = 'vcRecaptchaService';\r\n })(services = zbuyer.services || (zbuyer.services = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var loginreasons;\r\n (function (loginreasons) {\r\n loginreasons.Unauthorized = 'Unauthorized';\r\n })(loginreasons = zbuyer.loginreasons || (zbuyer.loginreasons = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var queryparameters;\r\n (function (queryparameters) {\r\n queryparameters.AuthCode = 'AC';\r\n queryparameters.CampaignNumber = 'CN';\r\n queryparameters.ClickTrackId = 'CTID';\r\n queryparameters.Beta = 'beta';\r\n queryparameters.Checkout = 'checkout';\r\n queryparameters.LoginKey = 'token';\r\n queryparameters.PublisherId = 'PID';\r\n queryparameters.Result = 'result';\r\n queryparameters.ReturnUrl = 'returnUrl';\r\n queryparameters.Step = 'step';\r\n queryparameters.Referrer = 'referrer';\r\n queryparameters.LastName = 'LName';\r\n queryparameters.FirstName = 'FName';\r\n queryparameters.Phone = 'Phone';\r\n queryparameters.Email = 'Email';\r\n queryparameters.UnlockPhones = 'unlockphones';\r\n queryparameters.Zip = 'Zip';\r\n })(queryparameters = zbuyer.queryparameters || (zbuyer.queryparameters = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var spinnermessages;\r\n (function (spinnermessages) {\r\n spinnermessages.ConnectionLost = 'ConnectionLost';\r\n spinnermessages.LeadDetail = 'LeadDetail';\r\n spinnermessages.LoginScreen = 'LoginScreen';\r\n spinnermessages.LogoutScreen = 'LogoutScreen';\r\n spinnermessages.PhoneNumberScreen = 'PhoneNumberScreen';\r\n spinnermessages.PrintableScreen = 'PrintableScreen';\r\n spinnermessages.Random = 'Random';\r\n spinnermessages.SearchLeads = 'SearchLeads';\r\n spinnermessages.SearchPreviewLeads = 'SearchPreviewLeads';\r\n spinnermessages.ShareScreen = 'ShareScreen';\r\n })(spinnermessages = zbuyer.spinnermessages || (zbuyer.spinnermessages = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var ui;\r\n (function (ui) {\r\n var services;\r\n (function (services) {\r\n services.AnimationService = 'AnimationService';\r\n })(services = ui.services || (ui.services = {}));\r\n })(ui = zbuyer.ui || (zbuyer.ui = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var zbuyer;\r\n (function (zbuyer) {\r\n var ui;\r\n (function (ui) {\r\n var models;\r\n (function (models) {\r\n models.HomeViewModel = 'homeViewModel';\r\n })(models = ui.models || (ui.models = {}));\r\n })(ui = zbuyer.ui || (zbuyer.ui = {}));\r\n })(zbuyer = names.zbuyer || (names.zbuyer = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var angular;\r\n (function (angular) {\r\n angular.AnchorScroll = '$anchorScroll';\r\n angular.Compile = '$compile';\r\n angular.Cookies = '$cookies';\r\n angular.Document = '$document';\r\n angular.Element = '$element';\r\n angular.ExceptionHandler = '$exceptionHandler';\r\n angular.Filter = '$filter';\r\n angular.Http = '$http';\r\n angular.HttpParamSerializer = '$httpParamSerializer';\r\n angular.HttpProvider = '$httpProvider';\r\n angular.Injector = '$injector';\r\n angular.Interval = '$interval';\r\n angular.Locale = '$locale';\r\n angular.Location = '$location';\r\n angular.LocationProvider = '$locationProvider';\r\n angular.Log = '$log';\r\n angular.Q = '$q';\r\n angular.RootScope = '$rootScope';\r\n angular.Route = '$route';\r\n angular.RouteParams = '$routeParams';\r\n angular.RouteProvider = '$routeProvider';\r\n angular.Sce = '$sce';\r\n angular.Scope = '$scope';\r\n angular.Timeout = '$timeout';\r\n angular.Translate = '$translate';\r\n angular.TranslateProvider = '$translateProvider';\r\n angular.UiBootstrapModal = '$uibModal';\r\n angular.UiBootstrapModalInstance = '$uibModalInstance';\r\n angular.Window = '$window';\r\n })(angular = names.angular || (names.angular = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var angular;\r\n (function (angular) {\r\n var modules;\r\n (function (modules) {\r\n modules.ngAnimate = 'ngAnimate';\r\n modules.ngCookies = 'ngCookies';\r\n modules.ngMask = 'ngMask';\r\n modules.ngMaterial = 'ngMaterial';\r\n modules.ngMessages = 'ngMessages';\r\n modules.ngRoute = 'ngRoute';\r\n modules.ngTouch = 'ngTouch';\r\n modules.ngTranslate = 'pascalprecht.translate';\r\n modules.rzSlider = 'rzSlider';\r\n modules.uiBootstrap = 'ui.bootstrap';\r\n modules.uiGrid = 'ui.grid';\r\n modules.vcRecaptcha = 'vcRecaptcha';\r\n })(modules = angular.modules || (angular.modules = {}));\r\n })(angular = names.angular || (names.angular = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var jquery;\r\n (function (jquery) {\r\n jquery.JStorage = 'StorageService.JStorageStatic';\r\n })(jquery = names.jquery || (names.jquery = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n(function (names) {\r\n var misc;\r\n (function (misc) {\r\n misc.BlockUI = 'blockUI';\r\n misc.BlockUISpinnerCheckmarkClass = 'image check-mark';\r\n misc.EvoPdfConverter = 'evoPdfConverter';\r\n misc.Toastr = 'toastr';\r\n misc.SellersTrack = 'sellers';\r\n misc.BuyersTrack = 'buyers';\r\n })(misc = names.misc || (names.misc = {}));\r\n})(names || (names = {}));\r\n\n///